Server Time:


December 09, 2023

Almighty MU
Season 6 ep 3
Medium Rate Server
Castle Siege: Sunday 8-9pm
Desktop/Laptop only
No donate items
RF and Summoner lvl 400 required 
Helper: LVL 20
Max 5 clients, 5 chars max per PT.
Max 200 ML
Max 400 LVL
Goblin rate hard - vip + 2-3%
Ancient: No JOH opt.
Max 2opt xitems
Max 3 socket lvl 3
No x380/xancient/xsocketed
Xitems drop: all maps. Acces 2opt
No transformation ring 
TOL/TOCA: LOT Hard rate
Skills/Quest: Hunt
Starting gear:7 days
No freebies
No freezen
No reset/rebirth
/pkclear - 50 wc
/rename - 300 wc
/statreset - 350 wc
Char transfer = 200wc
Xshop addition:
vault ext = wc
bag = 500wc
7 days VIP = 150wc
30days VIP = 300wc
seals = 10/day - 200/30days
pets = 20/day - 200/30days
Reset fruits stats (Reset 100 Stats) - 100 Wcoins
lucky items ticket 1 (+9 - +15) = 200 per ticket
lucky items ticket 2 (+9 - +15) = 500 per ticket
1st wing =20 wcoins 1day
1st wing =200 wcoins 7days
1st wing =300 wcoins 30days
Donate: 1php = 1wc
Kundun = 15
Selupan = 15
Erohim = 15
Nightmare = 15
Balgass = 15
Medusa = 15
Balrog = 15
Pouch of Blessings = 5wc
Golden Great Dragon = 10
Golden Monsters = 5
Chaos Castle = 15
White Wizard = 5
Skeleton King = 5
Locked stats
BM  = 2475
DL  = 3084 
RF  = 3084 
MG  = 3067
WIZ = 2473
ELF = 2474
Summoner = 2475
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